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An Elegy to the Broom Closet

Do you remember those tedious writing prompts you were assigned in school, the ones that bored you to tears? Like, whenever you came back from an extended holiday, you’d have to write a dull little report titled “What I did during my holidays”. Or later on, in middle or high school, you’d be given precious stuff like “Discuss the pros … Read More

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Rice, Stupas and a Trampoline: A Day in Oudong

Travelling in the Cambodian countryside during the rainy season can be spectacular – imagine the sight of electric-green rice paddies stretching as far as the eye can see, dotted with palm trees and bounded by streams of rushing floodwaters. It’s a reminder that rice is Cambodia’s most important staple crop, covering 80% of all farmland in the kingdom. But before … Read More

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Welcome to Little Hearts, Raphael and Naomi

On October 3rd Little Hearts welcomed two new residents: Raphael and his sister Naomi. Both are approximately 9–11 years old (as they lack birth certificates, we cannot be certain of their age). Like many of the children who come to us, Raphael and Naomi have endured a difficult start to life. When their mother passed away several years ago, Naomi … Read More

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It’s a Girl!

Last week, long-time Little Hearts resident and graduate Koem Heng gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Amelie. Tony and several of the kids paid the mother and daughter a visit at the hospital’s maternity ward and are happy to report that the baby and her parents are all in good health and spirits. As you may remember from … Read More