What We Do

Little Hearts has a proven track record for achieving its goals, based on careful implementation of core principles for raising children. The home is not just an institution, but a real home with a family atmosphere.

The centre has children of all ages. The site includes a two-story building, a staff room office, spacious classrooms, large dormitories and well-maintained facilities. The entire building was built from the ground up by the directors and funded by international donations.

The kitchen run by local cooks, provides three meals a day. The children benefit from a sports field, volleyball court, a dining area, a library, activities room, and a mini art gallery built by the children. The site also has a first aid room.

A dedicated team of professionals provide round the clock supervision. The children have decorated their classrooms creating a cheerful atmosphere, while regular maintenance ensures a pristine environment.


Core learning and development

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Children study hard following their core curriculum

Structured learning is key to success, and the children benefit from a routine which promotes high levels of education, personal self-development integrated with an all-important, caring environment.

After-school classes include Khmer literacy, English language, maths, and computer studies. The Children also have arts, crafts, and singing classes. For physical education, if time allows the children play football, volleyball and take taekwondo classes, while weekend recreational activities include swimming and cycling amongst others.

Every evening when homework is complete, teachers run activities to ensure optimum levels of centre cohesion. For relaxation, the children have access to the movie room and teachers encourage them to read books from the library.


Extra curriculum activities

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Sothon gathers bananas from the Little Hearts plantation project

The children have taken up various projects including growing their own vegetables which they use as a sustainable food supply and sell to the local village.

Meanwhile on site, older children are encouraged to help prepare meals in the kitchen gaining valuable life skills while improving their education.

The centre places great emphasis on promoting respect for Cambodian values. Students participate in traditional dance classes and read classical Khmer literature. This helps generate a deeper connection to Cambodian history and culture.

A recent project the children are very proud of is the new art gallery, designed and built by the kids. They did this using bamboo walls and a see-through roof. The art students have filled the gallery with their own paintings, focusing on the rich cultural traditions of Cambodia. This ensures they maintain pride in their own heritage while improving artistic skills.


Graduation and beyond

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Ilang our accounting graduate assists with LH accounts

When students graduate from high school, the centre guides them into university or vocational courses. Leaving the Little Hearts home is a big move for graduates, who need to support themselves through the attainment of full-time work.

This step is the culmination of Little Hearts long term goal, to launch their oldest members into the jobs’ market with a good education and a range of job-related skills. Mentors assist with job search, and the high school graduates begin their transition into becoming independent adults.

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