It’s a Girl!

Last week, long-time Little Hearts resident and graduate Koem Heng gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Amelie. Tony and several of the kids paid the mother and daughter a visit at the hospital’s maternity ward and are happy to report that the baby and her parents are all in good health and spirits.

As you may remember from a previous post, Koem Heng came to Little Hearts as a teenager. She worked hard in school and university and eventually landed her dream job as a customer relations officer at CIMB bank. In December of last year, she got married to Reaksmey, who served as Little Hearts’ chef during the pandemic, and now the young couple is blessed with a baby.

its a girl 1Please join us in sending our warmest congratulations to Koem Heng and Reaksmey, and a hearty welcome to baby Amelie.

Now to a crucial matter… Tony is Koem Heng’s adoptive father, and by extension, Amelie is his adoptive grandchild.

So, who thinks we should refer to him as Grandpa Tony from now on?

Please visit our Facebook page and cast your vote by leaving a comment. The choices are ‘Grandpa Tony’ or… well, perhaps ‘Forever Young Tony’.

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