The annual Little Hearts Christmas party took place on 28 December. Everyone pitched in to make it a great day, from rehearsing every performance to getting ready for the games and serving the food. Each staff member and child had specific duties during the event. Teacher Zal, for example, was the host and MC, while Dalin acted as the DJ; Samnang (our new administrative officer), Michael and Malee were the game masters; Dalin and Ben coordinated the parking of visitors’ vehicles; and various kids took turns welcoming all the guests and giving them a tour of our facility.
Among the attendees were many of our sponsors and supporters, friends, children from the local community, and former Little Hearts residents. Guests from Belgium included Tineke and Gerrit, along with their son Jack, who sang and played guitar; the Belgian consul, Mr. Thierry Dalimier, together with his family; and Tony’s brother Jimmy with his wife and two daughters.
The first part of the celebration programme began at 2:30 pm with a welcome speech by Teacher Zal and a Christmas message by Jimmy. (Normally, Tony, our director, would speak briefly to the children, staff, and guests during the Christmas event, but this year his brother Jimmy, who co-founded Little Hearts 15 years ago, took over this responsibility.) The speeches were followed by various performances, including a Ken Dance; Jack’s musical number; a performance by Olivia and Ilay; a pantomime puppet show by Elizabeth, Charlie and Chrissy; a martial arts demonstration by Ben and four of his younger siblings; and a Christmas skit.
In the second part of the festivities, guests and kids played various games, such as Clay Pot, Sack Race and Flour Relay.
The Christmas party also gave us an opportunity to catch up with many former Little Hearts residents and find out about what’s happening in their lives since they left Little Hearts – their jobs and career moves, their new homes and young families, and their memories of Little Hearts.
After the entertainment programme, we had dinner prepared by our new cook, Kimsal, with the help of the rest of the staff. The menu featured two different salads, burgers, barbequed chicken wings, shrimp with Koh Kong sauce and mashed potatoes.
And then finally, at the very end of the celebration, Santa Klaus arrived by tuk-tuk and delivered presents to all the children!