A New Partner: Aqualife

Recently Little Hearts received a visit from the staff of our newest partner, Aqualife, a company dedicated to providing the purest, freshest drinking water available in Cambodia. Aqualife is the sole licensed importer and distributor of IONCARES water purifiers from Korea.

Around 20 of Aqualife’s staff members came to our campus to install four advanced water purifiers. One machine (a table-top LUNOX model) was set up in the office for use by staff and visitors, while three more (JIGSU models) were placed in the kitchen and the dining area. The purifiers were donated by Aqualife and installed at no cost to Little Hearts. Aqualife will also carry out regular maintenance of the machines and replacement of the filters (IONCARES systems use a five-step purification method, so there are several filter cartridges in each one).

The machines, which are hooked up directly to the water pipes, filter the water supplied by the municipal utility and thus ensure that Little Hearts residents and staff can enjoy healthy, pure drinking water at all times without the need for continual deliveries of bottled water.

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Not content with having taken care of our drinking needs, Aqualife staff also made a financial donation and brought many gifts, including boxes of noodles, kitchen ingredients (soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, garlic, etc.), and reusable water bottles of various sizes so that the kids can carry purified water to their rooms, to school and on their outings.

To thank and entertain Aqualife’s staff, the kids prepared several activities, including water games (how appropriate!), mini-football matches, and dikke bertha, a typical Belgian game in which players standing in the middle of the field have to catch those running past them, until only one runner – the winner – remains. (As usual, Jeff won the game.)

As always with a new donor or partner, we presented Aqualife with a certificate of appreciation and a beautiful oil painting by Michael. In short, it was a fun afternoon for everyone.

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We are very grateful to Aqualife for the new water purifiers and all the goodies they brought, and we look forward to a long and productive partnership with them. In particular, we’d like to thank managers Derek and Andy for their dedication to our cause and their eagerness to become involved.

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Team of Aqualife together with our Little Hearts family
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